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Week 01 top 10 list of interesting OS things

  1. Understanding then downloading VirtualBox
    At first glance i was very confused on what even was a virtuaLBox and why do i even need to download this, but slowly and surely i started to understand what exactly was a VirtualBox. Virtualbox is basically an visualisation software that is used to run multiple OSes at the same time on multiple virtual machines. With this you can basically download whatever OS you want on whatever PC you wish. For example on my laptop i can be running iOS and windows at the same time, and all of this is thanks to the VirtualBox. With this you can do test all sorts of things and maybe learn about server virtualization. All of this is free!

  2. Learning some Command-Line Interface commands
    While reading the slides and doing the assignment i was particularly fascinated by all the commands i could do. As soon as I knew what i was doing, I Immediately started testing out all the combinations just to see what they would do. This certainly helped me understand the commands and Bash a little more than if i had just read these from a textbook without practicing.

  3. What is a Virtual Machine
    i was sort of confused at first on what exactly a virtual machine is, thankfully i found this website that gives a really detailed explanation on what it actually is. To sum it up, a virtual machine is sort of an independent window (it doesnt bother/tamper with the main computer) and acts as a sort of testing ground for anyone looking to see the different outcomes when you run multiple operating systems at the same time, or you can do other different tests as well.

  4. What is a Virtualization
    Virtualization is one of the core concepts that i knew i had to understand while studying this weeks subject. The virtualbox’ purpose is to initiate virtualization after all. So to summarize, virtualization is commonly thought of as the proccess of running multiple operating systems on a PC at the same time. Virtualization has a lot of positives and one of them is that u dont need to switch laptops just to use an iOS on your windows.

  5. Free Software vs open source software
    I always wondered what exactly is the difference between free software and open source software. My misconception was that they were just the same thing but different names. Turns out theres a lot more nuance to it, in the end they have the same goal but the way each software deals with how to get to those goals is very different, so then i found this interesting video which helped me better understand the difference between the two but with a real life example.

  6. What is User Operating Systems Interface
    This video covers a lot of what i needed to know about User OS interfaces. But to sum it all up, as most of us know a user interface is basically the media in which the user interacts with our application. So in this situation if a user wants to access the OS, one thing he’s gonna have to get used to is the interface. This is where the user will probably input a lot of commands among other things.

  7. What are system calls in OS System calls’ main function is the role of providing an interface to the services that are available by an Operating System. Thats the main definition of what it does. The contents of the page have all sorts of extra info that is really useful.

  8. Making a tunnel
    Turns out there were many ways to make a tunnel. I personally used virtualbox and followed a step by step guide or maybe I could have set up the tunnel using putty and login with ssh. This assignment really helped me understand the usefulness of a virtual machine.

  9. What is a HyperVisor This page has the answers to that question. A hypervisor according to the article is a sort of key that lets us enable virtualization by activating virtual machines. It acts as at sort of platform in which the creation of virtual machines happended. The speed in which the machines are made is nearly instant, it is super quick.

  10. Scripting and REGEX
    Heres another site I found that helpfully teaches all the basics off LINUX Regular Expresions