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# Week 00 top 10 list of interesting OS things

  1. What is an operating system
    I found this really interesting video which not only explains in detail what exactly an OS is and does, but it also explains the history of why an OS was made to begin with. To sum it up, an operating system is basically a software that helps the computer complete computerized tasks in a more universal and easy way.

  2. What are some examples of operating systems
    Me personally i had no idea what an operating system was but after doing some research i found out that i do know what they are. But after doing some research i guess the main 0ses that people use are Microsoft windows, Apple macOS, Linux, Android, dan apple iOS. We use operating systems everyday but not everyone knows what they even are. I personally have been using windows all my life and am just now finding out that its an OS.

  3. Creating a github account
    One of the things i was curious about was how we would be using github in class. I have not been able to use or learn about github as much as i want to. But after doing the week 00 assignment i realized how useful of a website it is. it takes a while to understand the basics but once you get the hang of it you can do a lot off different things on this website.

  4. What is an operating system
    I found this really interesting video which not only explains in detail what exactly an OS is and does, but it also explains the history of why an OS was made to begin with. To sum it up, an operating system is basically a software that helps the computer complete computerized tasks in a more universal and easy way.

  5. What is a virtual memory
    This video helped me understand a concept i was quite interested in which is virtual memory. from the video that ive watched, i found out that virtual memory is the process of handling the need of extra memory by temporarily moving data from RAM to disk storage. this process makes it seem like your pc has way more space than it should or even it feels like your pc has infinite amount of space. It does this all without any extra hardware or equipemnt, all it needs to do is to remap where certain data should go.

  6. What conccurency means in OS
    Operating systems are all about helping the user do whatever they want. That may also include running multiple programs at the same time. The way the computer is able to process all of these programs at the same time is what we call the concept of concurrency. The happening of multiple processes by the computer at the same time is what conccurency is all about.

  7. What is process Synchronisation
    According to my understanding, an example of the meaning synchronized is when dancers are synchronized. This means that when the dancers need to do a certain dance routine they have to be ready to do so at an exact time. being synchronized is being on the same page on when to do something together at a certain time. This is a very important concept when it comes to studying about operating systems. When a computer needs to do a certain command it needs all its resources to operate at the same time or as conccurently. Synchronization helps all those resources to be ready to act when they are wanted and at the perfect time in which they are needed. a computer needs all its components to be synchronized to operate properly.

  8. Making my very own github page
    One thing that i definitely did not know was a feature was the abilitiy to make github pages. I was very much surprised when github had a feature that allowed us to basically create our own websites from scratch. The process was not difficult at all because all i had to do was pick one default theme from a number of colorful themes. It was very fun being able to edit my website, hopefully i’ll be able to use this feature more in my spare time.

  9. File Systems in OS
    We use them every day on our computers and phones. Where we keep important documents and photos. I was really interested in finding out how exactly does the OS organize all of these different files and documents, and turns out the way they do it is with a file system. The File system basically takes care of everything related to organization of every file in your computer. it helps you search for that exact file you were looking for and it also helps to assign appropriate space for certain files and documents.

  10. learning the basics of git commands
    learning how to git pull, git push, git commit was also an interesting experience. Last time i used these commands was when i was learning how to make websites, so now relearning the commands for a new purpose and class was pretty interesting.